How to make the bathroom more enticing
Hamburg - On a warm summer day nothing can be more refreshing than jumping into a swimming pool or lake.
But when there's no pool or lake located nearby, the bathtub is the only viable alternative. Too often, however, the atmosphere in the bathroom leaves something to be desired: Plastic bottles of shampoo and shower gel sit all along the edge, the overhead light is a single naked bulb and the shower curtain has seen better days.
These are signs that it's time to give the bathroom some character and, if necessary, use a few tricks to achieve the goal.
Step 1: Consider the bathroom a room
Shower quickly, dry off and get out: People who have to practice personal hygiene in a room with moss green or Sahara beige tiles move pretty quickly. But even bathrooms that at first glance have nothing attractive about them often can be spruced up.
"The bathroom also should be thought of as a room," said Constanze Koepp of German consultancy Wohnkosmetik. Think of it not as a wet cell, but as a beauty studio, and arrange it accordingly no matter how small or old it is.
"In newly built apartment buildings bathrooms really are planned as much larger rooms," said interior designer Katharina Dobbertin. One of the reasons is the wellness trend, which also is having an effect on private bathrooms. In smaller bathrooms she recommends creating clear structures.
"A calm entity should be created - otherwise the room is made up only of individual pieces," Dobbertin said. She also favours cabinets with doors over open shelves.
Step 2: Avoid ultra-small furniture
There's usually not a lot of space for cabinets in the bathroom, but storage room is always necessary. Thus, creativity is required.
"A cabinet under the sink is indispensable," said Koepp, referring to the need to store cleaners and cleaning supplies, which usually are kept in the bathroom. Her tip for especially small bathrooms is to mount shelves somewhat below the ceiling, and to store cosmetics on shelving units that are meant for CDs.
Nicole Maalouf, founder of an online interior design website, finds hanging cabinets an especially good idea. Aside from that, she likes a large mirror, a clothes hamper and a small seat. Not to be left out are towel racks and hooks for hanging bath robes.
"It's important to not let the bath be overwhelmed by small individual items," said Maalouf. There shouldn't be scores of containers and bottles sitting around, she explained. And people who want to decorate with sea shells, can of course do so, but those beach vacation souvenirs should be placed in a glass jar or dish, not left lying around.
Step 3: Colours and accessories: Have the courage to experiment
"Bathrooms often are completely tiled, creating little atmosphere," said interior designer Katharina Semling. What's usually missing is a bit of courage to add something bold. The bathroom can be made considerably better by putting a beautiful old cabinet in the room. People who are comfortable with experimenting with style should seek out a theme and be consistent, "it doesn't matter whether it's minimalist, Africa or Switzerland," Semling said.
Maalouf said the ideal colours for tile in new bathrooms are neutrals such as beige and sand tones. Accent colours and personal style can be introduced through accessories, she said. Towels and shower curtains and beautiful lights complete the look.
There's no reason to reject old, out-of-style tiles. A blue-tile bathroom can be nicely arranged by adding wooden cabinets, while brown tiles look well with blue accessories.
Maalouf also said it can't hurt to add a bit of humour to bathroom decor. Fantasy also can play an important role.
"The bathroom is a functional area, but it's also a room for relaxing," she said. Ideally, time spent in the bathroom is a sensual experience. This can be achieved through music, aromas and even something like a projector that shows photos on the wall during a bubble bath.
"Then you find yourself sitting in a concert hall," she said. (dpa)