Honduras calmer despite protests

Honduras calmer despite protestsTegucigalpa  - Calm began to return to Honduras Thursday despite continuing protests, media reported.

Police ended the occupation of the National Agrarian Institute by farmers who had entered the building three months ago to protest the ouster of president Manuel Zelaya.

A group of Zelaya supporters demonstrated peacefully in front of the pro-Zelaya radio station Globo, which had its broadcasting licence withdrawn over the week-end.

Demonstrators demanded the reopening of Globo, whose owner Alejandro Villatorros said its broadcasts could now be picked up only over the internet.

Only about 5,000 people were able to listen to Globo, which had previously been heard all over the country, according to Villatorros.

Honduras returned largely to normal for the first time since Zelaya's return to the Central American country on September 21.

Soldiers disappeared from the streets and were only seen guarding government buildings. Security forces were also stationed near the Brazilian embassy where Zelaya has taken refuge. No curfew was imposed overnight.  (dpa)