GP will soon prescribe exercises

Health Minister Dawn Primorolo Obesity is a not a disease itself but it increases risk of various dangerous diseases. Sedentary lifestyle and fast food culture are the main reason behind rapidly multiplying number of obese persons. Statistics revealed that almost one in four Britons is obese.

'Be Active, Be Healthy', a new Government strategy has been designed to tackle the UK's obesity crisis. It aims at motivating people to live an active lifestyle to protect themselves from diseases.

Under this new strategy, GPs are being encouraged to prescribe patients exercise.

Health Minister Dawn Primorolo said GPs will also be expected to offer adopt a 'yes we can' approach and take responsibility making sure patients meet the 30 minutes of daily exercise target set by the chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson.

He added that we have to remove the "no, you can't" messages across communities to create a "yes, you can" culture - with more support, more encouragement and more opportunities across communities to get people active.
