Govt To Invest Rs 1 Lakh Crore In Road Construction
Union minister of road transport and highways Kamal Nath seems to all geared up to step up activity in the highway sector.
Mr. Nath said that the government has planned to invest Rs 1,00,000 crore to build 12,000 km of roads during the current financial year.
Funds for the road building project would be raised via equity as well as debt, he said.
While addressing the 'Build India- Road infrastrcture' summit in Mumbai, Nath said: "We are committed to the new target of laying 20 kilometres of roads per day, and to achieve this target there needs to be a quantum jump in construction activity across the country."
The minister added that the government was keen on putting in place a toll model to mobilize revenue for the project as it is done in Europe.
"We are considering setting up specialized tolling companies as is done in Europe," said the minister.
He also informed that the transport ministry will shortly invite foreign investors to build roads in the country.
Moreover, the government, in association with ICICI Bank, will conduct road shows to woo investors in the US, Europe and Asia. "We aim to bring in the best technology and the best practices," Nath said.
The government hopes to mobilize $10 billion in foreign investments over the next two years for this sector, he added.