Government planning to provide free medicines

Government planning to provide free medicinesThe Indian government is planning to provide free medication to its citizens through hospitals and health centres across the country.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said while addressing the nation on the event of the Independence Day on 15 August that the health services will now be expanded to cover smaller cities and towns in the country. Dr. Singh said that the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), which was launched in 2005, is aimed at delivering health services in every village.

"The National Rural Health Mission will be converted into a National Health Mission which would cover all villages and towns in the country. We are also formulating a scheme for distribution of free medicines through government hospitals and health centres," he said.

He also said that the NRHM is being implemented in the country with the help of 10 lakh health personnel, including 8.5 lakh ASHA or Accredited Social Health Activists in the country. The mission was launched to provide people living in remote areas with access to health services.

Dr. Singh also noted that the World Health Organisation (WHO) ahs removed India from the list of countries that are affected by Polio disease after no new case was recorded in the country in over a year.