Giant ‘gash’ opens up in the foothills of Bighorn Mountains

Experts have suggested that 'the gash' might have beenformed by slow-motion landslide. A huge ‘gash’ has opened up in the Bighorn Mountains’ foothills. The crack was nearly 10 miles south of town Wyoming’s town Ten Sleep and was so huge that it intake seven standard size football fields.

The photograph of ‘the gash’ was uploaded by SNA Outfitter & Guides on their social media accounts. The image created a lot of buzz regarding this new geological phenomenon.

In the Facebook post, the company wrote, “The giant crack in the earth appeared in the last two weeks on a ranch we hunt in the Bighorn Mountains. Everyone here is calling it ‘the gash’. It’s a really incredible sight”.

The reasons behind the sinkhole formation are not known yet. Experts have suggested that slow-motion landslide could have caused to appear it on a side of the mountain.

While speaking to Powell Tribune, Seth Wittke, Wyoming Geological Survey’s manager of groundwater and geological hazards and mapping, said that many thing trigger them, subsurface’s moisture which weakens soil or geology, and any process that would make the bedrock weak or unstabilize it someway.

SNS Outfitter & Guides also shared some additional information related to the huge crack as because people were curious to know about it.

The company added that since a lot of people have commented and asked questions so it was willing to post an update with a bit more information.