Mercury reported to be once alive with volcanoes

Mercury reported to be once alive with volcanoesOn Wednesday, a very astonishing piece of information was given by the NASA scientist that the little planet of the solar system, Mercury, was once alive with volcanic activities during its early history; the planet which now is seen as geologically dead. 

This comes after data and images sent back by the U.S. space agency's car-sized MESSENGER probe, which explored the planet on 6th October. The images displayed extensive and deep lava flows on the surface. The images also suggested hardened lava more than a mile deep filling a crater 60 miles in diameter. 

Arctic winter sea ice sees great decline in its depth

Arctic winter sea ice sees great decline in its depth For the first time since records commenced in the early 1990s, the thickness of sea ice in the Artic, tremendously decreased last winter. The research, undertaken by British scientists has shown a of loss in the thickness of the northern ice cap following the record loss of ice in the summer of 2007. 
However, the weather was not really warm then. 

First satellite equipped with Chinese technology launched by Venezuela

First satellite equipped with Chinese technology launched by Venezuela The first satellite of Venezuela, which was build with Chinese technology and launched from China, recently blasted into orbit, marking Venezuela’s entry into space age. 

This satellite has been named after Simon Bolivar, the hero of South American Independence. Hugo Chavez, The President of Venezuela said, “The communications satellite Venesat-1 is a construction of socialism and a symbol of Latin American integration.” 

‘Golmaal Returns’: a letdown of sorts

‘Golmaal Returns’: a letdown of sorts

Vista's successor is more than Windows dressing

Vista's successor is more than Windows dressing Thousands of software developers have now got access to an early build of Window 7, by getting the code at this week's Microsoft Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles. As of now all major hardware manufacturers have their copies, and many more will get it at WinHEC, the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, which is due to open in Los Angeles on 5th November.

'Dream PC' A Reality If Intel, Asus Succeed

'Dream PC' A Reality If Intel, Asus Succeed Technology moving at supersonic speed is making possible what was once considered impossible. How about a computer which is based on your ideas and concepts. Well, Intel and Asus are making it happen. 

The companies are working on a site, which is based on the concept of "world's first community-Designed PCs." 
