General News

Pak religious extremist threatens to bomb girls’ school

Islamabad, Sep 20 : An Islamic extremist has threatened to bomb a girls’ school in Taxila if its teachers and students don’t wear a veil.

The principal of the high school is said to have received a letter from an unidentified man, a local source said.

"Yes we have received a threatening letter from a religious fanatic, and we are scared," said Shakeela, the acting principal of the school.

The school management has informed the students about the letter and told that nothing would happen to them if they wore a veil, she added.

British daily questions Musharraf’s durability as a civilian President

New York rejects Iranian President's bid to directly honour "Ground Zero" dead

New York, Sept.20 : New York City officials have reportedly pulled out all stops to prevent The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from laying a wreath at Ground Zero during his visit here next week.

New York Police Department, Secret Service and Port Authority officials are reported to have told the Iranian Mission that no one is allowed in the pit because it's a live construction site and dangerous. They said that if a wreath was to be laid, it could be "shoved" from a distance.

More Brits ‘addicted’ to gambling than to heroin: Study

London, Sep 20 : UK is emerging as the nation of gamblers for a new study has found that almost 284,000 Britons are hooked to casinos and spread betting – which is more than the number addicted to heroin.

The report said that there are particularly acute problems among punters who bet on newer and fast-growing forms of gambling such as online casinos and spread betting.

`We must promote a Kashmiri interest,' says JKLF leader

London: People of Jammu and Kashmir must think and act as Kashmiris and should not promote national interest of either India or Pakistan, said Dr Shabir Choudhry, a prominent leader of the London -based Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front at a seminar held at the UN Human Rights Council building in Geneva.

The seminar was organised by Interfaith International and the title was: Towards a confederation of Peoples in South Asia, and the Seminar was moderated by Dr Charles Graves.

Lashkar-e-Taiba Activist Shot Dead In Rajouri District

A Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) activist was shot dead in a gun fight with military forces in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri area.
