
Emirates to add 31 Flights to India

Dubai-based international air carrier Emirates today announced that it will add 31 weekly services to India. This will lead the number of weekly flights to 163 by February 2009.

Non-bailable warrant issued against Raj Thackrey

Finally, non-bailable warrant (NBW) has been issued against Maharashtra Navnirman Sena Chief Raj Thackeray.  The Mumbai Police have said that he might be arrested soon.

MDC dodges SADC meeting on Zimbabwe, demands full summit

Johannesburg - Zimbabwe's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai avoided a regional meeting on the impasse in Zimbabwe on Monday, and demanded instead a crisis summit on the situation.

President Robert Mugabe was in Swaziland on Monday to give his side on the breakdown in his unity talks with Tsvangirai to a small group of Southern African Development Community (SADC) members, led by Swazi King Mswati III.

South Africa's President Kgalema Motlanthe and senior officials from Mozambique and Democratic Republic of Congo were also attending the summit, at which former South African president Thabo Mbeki was due to report back on his latest failed mediation attempt in Zimbabwe.

Ministers from Iraq's neighbouring countries to meet in Amman

Amman - The interior ministers of the countries neighbouring Iraq are due to meet in Amman on Thursday to look into means for helping the Iraqi government restore security.

Somali Immigrants rescued near Valletta by Maltese army

Valletta, Malta - A group of 43 Somali would-be immigrants was rescued Monday off Malta, authorities on the Mediterranean island said.

Bangladesh parties apply to run in December polls

Dhaka - A total of 107 political parties have applied to register with Bangladesh's Election Commission for eligibility in December's general election, officials said Monday.
