
Japan non-committal on civil nuclear cooperation with India

JapanTokyo , Oct 22 : Japan today appeared non-committal on civil nuclear cooperation with India even as the two countries agreed that atomic power could play an important role as a sustainable and non-polluting source of energy in meeting the growing global demands.

U2 signs $1billion deal with Live Nation

Melbourne, Oct 22 : Irish rock band U2 has signed a billion-dollar deal with concert promoters Live Nation, which could earn them more than 500 million dollars in shared revenue.

The deal, which is for 12-years, entitles them to 1.56 million shares in the company worth around 10 million, and it would mean their frontman Bono will be 60-years-old before he finishes touring.

Along with handling the band’s tours, Live Nation will also handle merchandising, digital and branding rights and run their website and fan club.

The company first worked with The Joshua Tree hitmakers in Toronto in 1980, and have been organising their live events since 1997.

Now, 3-D doppler ultrasound will detect breast cancer

Washington, Oct 22 : Radiologists can now use three-dimensional (3-D) power Doppler ultrasound to differentiate between malignant and benign breast cancer cells, according to a new study.

Usually, malignant breast masses have increased blood flow compared to normal tissue or benign masses.

The study has found that using 3-D power Doppler ultrasound can make it is possible to detect vessels with higher flow speeds, which likely indicate cancer.

"Using 3-D scans promises greater accuracy due to more consistent sampling over the entire tumor," said lead author, Gerald L. LeCarpentier, Ph. D., assistant professor in the Department of Radiology at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Political scientist predicts significant gains for Democrats

US Democratic-PartyWashington, Oct. 22 : A political scientist has predicted significant gains for the Democratic Party in the 2008 congressional elections—including 11 seats in the U. S. House of Representatives and three seats in the U. S. Senate.

Carl Klarner of Indiana State University published his forecast in the October 2008 issue of PS: Political Science and Politics, a journal of the American Political Science Association (APSA).

The House and Senate forecasts were made in late July 2008, and Klarner’s model focuses on the percent of the major-party vote that the Democratic candidate received in a state or district.

Self-assembling nano-fibre gel for delivering drugs in high concentrations

Washington, Oct 22 : A research team, involving an Indian origin scientist, has developed a new self-assembling hydrogel drug delivery system that can ill not only deliver clinically approved drugs in high concentrations, but also do away with any toxic residue in the process.

Developed by scientists from Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology (HST) at Brigham and Women''s Hospital, the system is biocompatible, efficient at drug release, and is also easy to tailor.

The structures will do way with carriers for the drug or generating toxic components—a problem encountered with hydrogel systems until now.

Praful Patel says Indian carriers to repay aviation fuel dues by March 2009

New Delhi, Oct 22 : Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel today said that India''s airline companies are to repay upto 28 billion rupees outstanding aviation fuel dues to state-run refineries by March 2009 in six monthly installments.

Talking to reporters after meeting with Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Murli Deora, Patel said that oil firms have agreed to raise the credit period for local carriers to 90 days from 60 days, and refineries would revise jet fuel prices every 15 days instead of 30 days.
