
Jharkhand’s Birhor tribals still lead a primitive lifestyle

Chhatra (Jharkhand), Oct. 23: It could be surprising for many in the country but Birhor, one of the primitive tribes in Jharkhand, is surviving by eating roots and leaves from the forests for ages. They lead a primitive lifestyle here.

They depend on roots and leaves taken from the forest for their staple diet. But social scientists are concerned about Birhors’ survival. The fear stems from the knowledge that Birhors, at times, tend to eat even poisonous roots and leaves.

It is feared the habit may cause their extinction. Over two dozen persons, belonging to Birhor tribe, died in a fortnight recently after consuming toxic vegetation.

How you hold your drinks may lie in your genes

Washington, Oct 23: In a study conducted on worms, British researchers have found that mutation in a gene that corresponds to a gene in humans, plays a crucial role in alcohol tolerance, i. e. the body’s ability to consume more alcohol.

Previous studies on mice by American researchers have suggested a link between a gene mutation in mice and tolerance to alcohol.

The researchers at Liverpool specifically looked at the role the gene plays in communication between cells in the nervous system.

Swedish central bank to cut interest rates to 3.75 per cent

Stockholm - Sweden's central bank said Thursday it was to cut its interest rate by 0.50 percentage points to 3.75 per cent, the second cut this month.

The cut was to take effect October 29, the Riksbank said.

The bank's board of governors said "the interest rate cuts are aimed at alleviating the effects of the financial crisis" and added that the inflation target of 2 per cent remained.

Sweden was also experiencing the impact of the global financial crisis, and the economy was slowing down, the Riksbank said, adding that effects included higher loan costs for companies and households.

Study: McCain is getting more negative media coverage than Obama

Study: McCain is getting more negative media coverage than ObamaPew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism revealed that Republican presidential nominee John McCain is getting more negative media coverage than his Democratic rival, Barack Obama - more than half the stories on McCain have been negative, compared to slightly less than one-third for Obama.

Sony revises downward earnings forecast for year amid slow economy

Sony Corp.Tokyo - Sony Corp revised downward its expected earnings for the current fiscal year by 38 per cent on a strengthening yen and slowing demand for consumer electronics amid a sluggish global economy, the company said Thursday.

The second-largest maker of consumer electronics in the world now expected a net profit of 150 billion yen (1.51 billion dollars) for the year ending March 31, down from an initial projection of 240 billion yen announced in July.

Last year, Tokyo-based Sony made a net profit of 369.44 billion yen.

GOP spent an astounding $150,000 on Palin’s look
