Fuel price go up marginally
On Wednesday, the price of petrol and diesel went up marginally and has become applicable. While the price of petrol has gone up by 10 paise, that of diesel is up by 8 paise.
Petrol in the main metros like Delhi and Mumbai will now cost rupees 51.53 a litre and rupees 55.98 respectively. The same for diesel will be at rupees 40.18 and 42.06.
The proposal was cleared by the Petroleum Ministry and has also said that the dealer commission will also be raise from rupees 1,125 per kilolitre to 1,218. In diesel the figure stands at rupees 673 to 757.
This will also bring an end to the demand of the dealers who have been threatening to go on strike from September 20 asking for their commission to be raised. The demand came up after it was decided that the price of fuels will be deregulated and linked more to international trend.
In June, petrol price had already been raised by rupees 3.50, diesel by rupees 2. Kerosene by rupees 3 and LPG by rupees 35 a cylinder.