Finland and Sweden concerned over breakaway regions in Georgia

Finland and Sweden flagHelsinki, Stockholm  - Finland, current chair of the 56-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), expressed concern Thursday over Moscow's decision to establish ties with two breakaway regions in Georgia.

Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb issued a statement urging "all parties involved to refrain from any unilateral actions which could further destabilize the already tense situation."

Stubb added that he regretted that the parties had not utilized the negotation mechanisms in place, a foreign ministry statement said.

The OSCE was also prepared to aid the peace process and supported the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia within its internationally recognized borders, the statement said.

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt also said he was "deeply concerned" over the decision Wednesday by Russia to step up cooperation with the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia.

"Georgia's territorial integrity is a part of the stability in the Caucasus region where Russia, not the least, has a very large interest in stability," Bildt said in a statement.(dpa)

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