EU first major economy that fulfills its global emissions pledge
Europe's climate chief said in a statement that the European Union will push up for an UN deal to cope up with global warming problems that have been affecting the world and will check the outcome for every five years.
Miguel Arias Canete, Climate and Energy Commissioner, said that any deal that will be signed in Paris agreement should have an agenda i.e. active increase of ambition over time to cut further emissions.
Arias Canete said, “We do not want the Paris agreement with commitments ending in 2030 because the Paris agreement cannot be an agreement that starts in 2020 or 2021 and finishes in 2030, like the Kyoto Protocol, which finishes in 2020”.
Climate and Energy Commissioner added that there is a break between what will be discussed at talks in Paris in November 30 and what is needed to combat global warming. Promises have been made by 150 countries for the process of work for 90% of global emissions.
Those promises will lead to a boost in the earth’s temperature of three degrees above pre-industrial times that is one more than the two-degree edge the EU wants to be cemented into any Paris agreement and which scientists say can prevent the most destructive consequences of global warming.
Earlier an attempt that was made to reach a global climate agreement failed at Copenhagen summit in 2009.
EU is the first major economy that fulfilled its emissions promise in March. It pledged to drop emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared according to 1990 levels.