Edinburgh Zoo’s female panda to be ready for mating next week
Officials of the Edinburgh Zoo have said that the female panda at the zoo will be ready to mate from next week.
The officials have said that they have recorded the first increase in Tian Tian's oestrogen and a fall in her progesterone. This indicated that she could be ready for mating next week. Female pandas normally ovulate just once a year and the opportunity for them to get pregnant lasts only about 36 hours.
Iain Valentine, Edinburgh Zoo's director of research and conservation has said that the officials have recorded behavioral changes in Tian Tian. They have observed that she spent time in her pond to cool her internal system and noted changes in her hormone levels. She was also seen spending time near the gate of the fencing with male panda, Yang Guang's section.
"Based on the data we have, we believe our female panda will probably be ready to mate early next week, likely on the Tuesday or Wednesday. We have hopes that they will breed, but it's totally up to them," he said.
He said that the two panda's will be put together in one enclosure from the first day as officials will be introducing them three times on the first day.