'Cows', 'sheep', 'pigs' lie in coffins to protest animal slaughter

'Cows', 'sheep', 'pigs' lie in coffins to protest animal slaughterAgra, Nov 7 : Dressed as dead cows, sheep and pigs, volunteers of the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India lay on the ground in a row of open coffins in front of a leather footwear fair here Saturday. A banner reading "Leather Is Murder" was laid across the coffins.

Other PETA members held up large pictures of animals slaughtered for their skin and a funeral wreath was placed on each of the open coffins in front of the Leather Footwear Components & Technology Fair.

Campaign coordinator Arkaprava Bhar said: "PETA aims to raise awareness of the ways in which animals are treated before they are turned into leather shoes, leather bags and other products. PETA encourages shoppers to choose synthetic materials and natural fibres instead of animal skins.

"When you buy leather, you contribute directly to the misery that animals endure in slaughter houses. Not only are animals killed, they also suffer horrors such as painful mutilations and physical abuse, and they frequently endure cruel treatment during transport and slaughter. The animals are often dismembered and skinned while they are still conscious."

The animal rights campaigner said: "In India, even the most basic animal protection laws are ignored in the production of leather. Leather tanneries also wreak havoc on the environment, and the pollution that tanneries generate has been linked to respiratory infections, certain types of cancer and other illnesses in humans.

"Bags, belts and shoes made from dead skin should be shunned by the living. It's easy to choose products made of animal-friendly materials such as cotton, jute, satin and synthetics - all of which are humane options that don't support cruelty to animals."

The demonstration was held to coincide with the inauguration of the two-day Meet at Agra fair at the Kalakriti ground. (IANS)