Comet Lovejoy pumps out 500 Bottles of Alcohol Every Second

Comet Lovejoy, formally designated C/2014 Q2, is the booziest comet in our galaxy as it is spewing about 500 bottles of alcohol every second, according to a researcher from the Paris Observatory in France. The researcher, Nicolas Biver, said it is the first time when a comet has been observed pumping out ethyl alcohol.

Comet Lovejoy is not only releasing alcohol, but a type of sugar, as per observations by Biver, lead author of the research published by Science Advances on October 23. Biver and other researchers found that the comet has been sprinkling out about 21 organic molecules.

While talking about the new discovery, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said, “The finding adds to the evidence that comets could have been a source of the complex organic molecules necessary for the emergence of life on Earth”.

The researchers came to know about comet Lovejoy releasing organic molecules earlier this year when the comet made its closest approach to the sun. Due to the heat coming from the sun, material on the comet started glowing at different frequencies. Those frequencies were analyzed by the researchers with the help of the Thirty Meter Telescope in Sierra Nevada Mountains. The researchers found that the comet was spewing alcohol and sugar.

The comet Lovejoy was discovered last year by an amateur astronomer Terry Lovejoy from Australia. The comet is the most active and brightest comets when it is at its peak. Earlier, the comet was visible in the night sky, but as it is moving away from Earth, it has started fading.