China manufacturing indicator lower than expected

China manufacturing indicator lower than expectedA widely accepted indicator of Chinese manufacturing activity has fallen more than analysts had expected on Friday, indicating a slowdown in the Asia’s largest economy.

The weaker than expected index has also raising expectations about a possible fiscal stimulus by the Chinese national government to revive the economy. The purchasing managers’ index dropped fell to 50.4 points in May compared to 53.3 in April, according to the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing and the National Bureau of Statistics.

The fall in the index comes after five straight months of growth. According to a poll of analysts by Reuters, the government index was expected to fall to 52.2. Experts say that a reading above the mark of 50 indicates expansion of the industry while that below 50 shows contraction.

The logistics and purchasing federation toke note of the index above the mark of 50 and pointed out that the Chinese manufacturing activity continued to expand, even if it is at a slower pace. However, experts say that the fall in index indicates that the country’s manufacturing sector is stalling.

The government has played down the scope of activities to revive the economy but, new infrastructure projects and subsidies for consumer auto purchases indicates that a stimulus package is already being implemented.