Cabinet approves revision of cost of International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

New Delhi, Nov 30: The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to revise estimated cost of International centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology (ICGEB) project from Rs. 117.53 crore to Rs. 170.33 crore.

The Cabinet also approved to enhance India’s contribution to Rs. 10 crore per annum under Non-Plan during the five years 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12.

It approved making one time contribution of Rs. 2.80 crore under Non-Plan during 2007-08 towards payment of arrears of service charges to Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

For continuation of the India contribution beyond 2011-12, coterminous with the currency of the agreement already ratified by GoI and seeks budgetary provision on a yearly basis, as part of the annual budgetary exercise, keeping in view the commitment of Government of India.

The contribution to ICGEB will help in their continued efforts in research and development for alleviating important human diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis and problems of abiotic and biotic stress of our major crops such as rice.

This will be a one time payment of service charges to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi with regard to ICGEB buildings.

The decision for revision of estimated cost of ICGEB project will enable the GoI to provide ICGEB their additional requirements towards infrastructure facilities and recurring cost for running the Centre with additional R&D activities.

This would obviate the need to seek periodical and repeated approval from the Cabinet. (ANI)
