BP takes the responsibility to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil leakage

BP takes the responsibility to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil leakageThe petroleum giant British Petroleum has taken full responsibility to clean up the huge oil slick after the explosion in one of their wells near to the US coast. Tony Hayward, the boss of BP has said that they are not responsible for the oil slick it was an accident but they are taking full responsibility to clean that up.

A deepwater Horizon sank on 22nd of April which caused an explosion and the oil slick later. US president Barack Obama considered this leakage as a big environmental disaster and said BP will pay all the bills need to clean up the leakage because they are responsible for that.

The US government is putting pressure on BP to react quickly to this issue and to be careful for future. Thousands of barrels of oil have been leaking to the Gulf of Mexico after the rig sank in. The oil leak is already affecting the fisheries and tourism. The oil slick will come to the beach and it will deeply affect the coastal environment as well.