Beheading of Sikh youths by Taliban in Pakistan condemned by Indian Government and SGPC

Beheading of Sikh youths by Taliban in Pakistan condemned by Indian Government and SGPCThe highest decision-making body of Sikhs, the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC), has severely condemned the beheading of two Sikh youths is Peshawar, Pakistan, and has asked the Pakistan government to provide full security to minorities in the country.

India must raise the issue with Pakistan in the United Nations to prevent such ghastly acts, said Gurbachan Singh, Chief of the Akal Takht.

Gurbachan said in Amritsar," It becomes the responsibility of the centre that it takes up the matter with Pakistan in the United Nations, so that no community suffers in any country. The government should take the step at the earliest, so that such incidents are not repeated in the future."

Joginder Singh, former Akal Takht chief said," There have been reports on the television that Taliban have executed Sikhs and sent their bodies to Bhai Joga Singh Gurudwara. This is a very heart rending news and is highly condemnable."

Once again highlighting the cruelty of the Taliban, in a gruesome incident that the banned extremist outfit beheaded two Sikhs in Peshawar, the capital city of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP).

When the mutilated heads of the two Sikh youths were found in a Gurudwara in Peshawar, the shocking incident came to light late on Sunday.

The two men, identified as Jaspal Singh and Mahal Singh were kidnapped along with two others by the Pakistani Taliban a month ago from Bara in the Khyber Agency, and a ransom of 30 million rupees were demanded for their safe return.

The other two men, Gurvinder Singh and Gurjit Singh are still said to be in the custody of the militants.

New Delhi has reacted sharply over the horrific incident though there has been no reaction from the Pakistan government over the incident.

Describing the incident as 'shocking', the External Affairs Ministry said it has contacted the Indian High Commission in Islamabad and has directed it to get the details of the incident. (With Input from Agencies)