Autonomous Weapons will prove lethal for humankind

It will take at least 50 years to have ultimate sophisticated killer robots. But experts are worried of technologies being used in warfare known as autonomous weapons systems or killer robots. Experts said that many lives are lost due to them, and the figure will increase if there will be no human intervention.

There are many examples, which given an indication how dangerous artificial intelligence can prove. The drone papers published in The Intercept revealed that during a US operation in Afghanistan, around 90% of people killed in drone strokes were not the targets.

It is said that if there would have been no human intervention then the scenario would have been even worse. Toby Walsh, who calls himself an accidental activist, in reality the UNSW artificial intelligence professor, said that he feels it his scientific responsibility to people about this harm.

In fact, he has even called for a ban on killer robots. Welsh, researcher at Data61, and colleagues said that autonomous weapons could have really bad consequences. Welsh said that if companies start making these weapons then there would be an increased that they will fall into the hands of terrorists.

There are many nations that have supported a ban on such weapons, including the US, Britain, Israel and China. “Wars are very asymmetric; they're not fought between nation and nation, but against terrorists, rogue nations etc. They're not going to sign up to 'gentleman's rules'”, affirmed Walsh.