Australian Chinese businesswoman says she’s done nothing wrong

Australian Chinese businesswoman says she’s done nothing wrongMelbourne, Mar. 31: An Australian Chinese businesswoman, who is at the centre of a supposed spy scandal, has declared that she is a loyal Australian and "broken-hearted" by the events.

Helen Liu told The Daily Telegraph that she was astounded by claims that she was a threat to national security and described herself as a good citizen and businesswoman.

In a statement from her Chinese home province of Shandong, the 48-year-old said: "I feel very broken-hearted about Australia. I am an Australian citizen and I participate in all activities, not just political. I go to charity functions, I go to parties to which I am invited. I am a very good Australian businesswoman. It is unfair to me what people have said. I know people have said that I am a national security threat."

Liu is the subject of a Defence Department investigation into her relationship with Defence Minister Joel Fitzgibbon.

However, ASIO has said Liu is of no concern or interest to them.

Carr, who said he and his wife Helena are friends of Liu and her sister Queena, attacked elements of the media which had portrayed her as a spy or "mystery woman".

"I think it''s pretty shameful for the media to brand this woman as suspect on security grounds without the remotest evidence - indeed in the face of ASIO stating she is of no interest to them," he told The Daily Telegraph.

"I think Helen Liu is entitled to object to being branded a ''mystery woman'' - she''s no more a mystery than any other woman but for her anonymity."

Carr described his friend as a nice, pleasant and slightly shy woman with only "modest" business interests in Australia.

He also indicated that there were some troubling undertones in suspicions of her.

Since no evidence has emerged of the Defence investigation it has been suggested that the leak or even the probe into Fitzgibbon has come from elsewhere within the Government. (ANI)
