ASUS Aims for Market Dominance in India with Retail Expansion and Wider Range

ASUS Aims for Market Dominance in India with Retail Expansion and Wider Range

ASUS, the Taiwanese tech giant, is making bold moves to dominate the Indian PC market. Having already increased its market share from 6.3% in 2017 to 17.8% in 2023, the company is now eyeing the top spot. Its ambitious goal is to claim 25-30% of the market within two years. Key to this strategy is an aggressive retail expansion, with a focus on reaching India’s tier-3 and tier-4 cities. ASUS also aims to shorten the gap between product launches in India and the global market, demonstrating its commitment to India as a priority.

ASUS Aims for Market Dominance in India

Current Market Position
ASUS has tripled its market share in India from 6.3% in 2017 to 17.8% in 2023. It is currently the second-largest consumer notebook brand in the country, with ambitions to take the top spot by capturing a 25-30% market share in the next two years.

Strategy for Growth
The company’s strategy hinges on aggressive retail expansion, especially in smaller cities. ASUS plans to extend its reach to tier-3 and tier-4 cities to ensure widespread access to its products, addressing the growing demand for technology outside metropolitan areas.

Retail Expansion: Reaching Every Corner

Expansion Across 600 Districts
ASUS currently operates in over 400 districts across India and aims to increase this presence to 600 districts within two years. The expansion plan includes a mix of exclusive ASUS stores and partnerships with channel distributors to ensure a comprehensive retail footprint across the country.

Focus on Local Accessibility
ASUS is setting its sights on India’s smaller regions, with plans to establish at least one exclusive store in each of the 600 districts. Following this, the company intends to target talukas, ensuring that even the most remote customers have access to their cutting-edge products.

Innovation Through Refurbished PC Stores

New Refurbished PC Outlets
In an innovative move, ASUS has also launched six select stores for refurbished PCs. This is part of their strategy to tap into a growing market for affordable, sustainable technology solutions, further broadening its customer base.

Narrowing the Global-India Launch Gap

India as a Priority Market
ASUS is actively working to reduce the time gap between product launches in the global market and India. This move highlights the company's recognition of India as a critical market, ensuring that Indian consumers have timely access to the latest products.

Leading the Gaming and Consumer PC Market
As one of the largest gaming and consumer PC companies, ASUS continues to leverage its brand’s momentum by staying ahead in product innovation and retail strategy. By doing so, the company expects to not only maintain but expand its leadership position in India's tech ecosystem.

In conclusion, ASUS is poised to dominate the Indian PC market through an aggressive mix of retail expansion, local accessibility, and strategic innovation. With ambitious goals and a clear roadmap, the company is positioning itself for significant long-term success in one of the world’s fastest-growing technology markets.

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