Asthma risk heightens with stress related jobs

Asthma risk heightens with stress related jobsAccording to a recent study one can raise their asthma levels up to 40 percent, by just being a part of stressful job.

It was study performed by Heidelberg University in Germany that observed 5,000 people aged between 40 and 65 over eight years. After eight years of closed observation it was found out that there was up to a 40 percent higher chance of asthma if they underwent through stress at work.

The stress pertained to long working hours, demanding schedules and uncomfortable working atmosphere. A report stated: "Our study suggests work stress and the inability to relax after work are associated with an increased risk of asthma."

This is in close association to the fact that states that stress can lead to the release of chemicals that promote allergies and disrupt the way the body halts inflammation of the airways.

However to straightway claim the fact that absolute risk of someone developing asthma because they are overloaded at work is still minimal as the research is still in progress.