Arctic Mosquitoes growing Faster due to Climate Change: Study
Many experts and studies on global warming have already warned the world that climate change is happening rapidly. A number of regions across the globe are experiencing the consequences of global warming. Rising earth temperatures are affecting humans and many other species, but mosquitoes in Arctic are enjoying the hot weather. According to a new study, population of mosquitoes is thriving in Arctic due to global warming.
The study revealed that due to rising temperatures of Arctic, mosquitoes are emerging earlier from their ponds. The hot weather is also helping the insect in growing faster and longer. There are chances that mosquitoes will be in higher numbers in Arctic soon.
Researchers of the study were expecting decrease in the population of Arctic mosquitoes before the study started. They found that due to warming temperatures in the region, mosquitoes are hatching earlier and getting enough time for development.
The study predicted that if temperatures in the region rise about two degrees Celsius, the chances of mosquitoes surviving for more time would increase by over 50%. According to the researchers, increase in mosquito population will affect caribou and reindeer herds.
Lauren Culler, postdoctoral researcher at Dartmouth College’s Dickey Center Institute of Arctic Studies and lead author of the study, said if mosquito population in Arctic continues to rise, it will strongly affect health and reproduction of caribou. “Warming in the Arctic can thus challenge the sustainability of wild caribou and managed reindeer in Fennoscandia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, and parts of northwest Russia), which are an important subsistence resource for local communities”, Culler added.