Altaf shocked by silence over Sufi Muhammad’s remarks

Altaf shocked by silence over Sufi Muhammad’s remarksKarachi, Apr 22 : Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain has questioned the silence of political parties, lawyers and the civil society over Sufi Muhammad’s statement that branded constitutional institutions of Pakistan ‘un-Islamic’.

“Why are the champions of the independence of the judiciary and those who resorted to the long march for that purpose still silent against Sufi Muhammad?” Altaf asked, in a statement released by the MQM’s office on Tuesday.

Stressing his point, he recalled that Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadi (TNSM) chief Sufi Muhammad had said that the legislature, the judiciary and the political and judicial systems of Pakistan were ‘un-Islamic’.

The Daily Times quoted Altaf as saying that the TNSM chief had even refused to accept the 1973 Constitution, which guarantees rights for all citizens and religious sects.

He lamented that political and religious parties and their leaders had organised huge public gatherings, rallies, demonstrations, sit-ins and a long march to register their protest for “vested interests and political gains,” but they were now silent against the threatening and derogatory statement by Sufi.

“Unfortunately, the bar councils which staged the long march for the independence of the judiciary have not voiced their protest against the contempt of the constitution and the judiciary,” Altaf said.

He also criticised the civil society and rights organisations, saying they had also remained silent over statements by the Taliban.

“Pakistanis must question the political and religious leaders they support over the eerie silence in the wake of the false, malicious propaganda of the Taliban and the TNSM leaders,” he said.

“For Pakistan’s sake ... get involved in the process of salvaging the country,” Altaf added. (ANI)
