Zhang Ziyi under fire after topless photos hit Internet

London, January 10 : Zhang Ziyi has incurred the wrath of critics after topless pictures of the Chinese actress getting intimate with her Israeli fiancé hit cyberspace.

`The Memoirs of a Geisha' star had recently been snapped soaking the Caribbean sun donning only a pair of bikini bottoms while her billionaire Vivi Nevo thinned out the air between them.

The vacation snaps had enraged the `tradition-preserving' critics with many of them dubbing the artist as "shameless", reports the Daily Express.

One critic wrote: "Zhang Ziyi is really shameless. She is with a foreigner, but should remember certain conduct is expected of Chinese women."

China''s Internet authorities had stepped in to censor the photographs, with many websites pulling them off cyberspace completely. (ANI)
