Women’s changing role in society leading to infertility: study

Women’s changing role in society leading to infertility: studyA recent study indicated that the changing role of women in society and junk food culture are leading to infertility. The study indicated that Malaysians are having fewer babies these days, as compared to the number of babies born in the year 1990.

The researchers cited various reasons behind the infertility in couples. Late marriages, smoking, casual sex, and junk food are the key factors which lead to infertility.

But researchers claim the changing role of women in society is the major reason behind infertility problems and fewer babies.

Dr V. Jeyabalan, a Pantai Hospital fertility specialist, says: "They are getting married late now as they have to build a career alongside men to become equal breadwinners."

The present-day women flaunt their sexuality and are more aware of their sexual needs. Women also have multiple sex partners, and that they sometimes even indulge in casual sex, which results in increasing rates of sexually-transmitted diseases among women.

Due to shortage of time, the intake of junk food containing additives and meats injected with hormones has also increased among career-oriented women.

Jeyabalan said that out of the 30-odd couples he daily examined on an average, most of the men and women were aged between 30 and 40; and were planning to have their first child.