Technology News

Sony Launches PSP Video on Demand in the UK

Sony PSPSony has launched Video-on-Demand (VOD) services for PSP in United Kingdom.

Google Goes Sky High!

Azureus Released !

AzureusA New Verions of Bit Torrent Client Azureus has been launched. The Peer to Peer File sharing client has 11 new features. The users will have more control over the speed of downloads and uploads. The new version provides a better interface. Azureus is a powerful and cross-platform bittorrent client.

WebCalendar Appliance for VMWare First Release

Developers are launching many new and exciting things everyday. Some applications are for Social Networking and some are for organising things better in live. Web Calendar is one such open source application which helps you to keep things in control and to remember important events easily.

ISRO To Construct Nano-Satellite Platform

G Madhavan NairBangalore: ISRO chief said that next year India’s space group will instigate a special platform to put into space small satellites fulfilling the requirements of rising countries and the domestic technical community.

ISRO chairman, G Madhavan Nair said that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is building up a 100-kg “satellite bus” as demand has picked up for establishing nano-satellites.

Google To Bring Out Phone Of Its Own Phone By 2008

Google PhonesLondon: Google is hopeful to instigate a mobile phone by early next year that will let users to browse the internet on the move.

The company anticipates that its ‘GPhone’ will be as popular as the Apple iPhone that was initiated in the United States in June.

Google services including its search engine, e-mail and interactive maps will be loaded on to the phone. It is believed Google will originate its proceeds from the profitable mobile advertising market.
