Technology News

Now, a mobile that lets you hear through your jawbone

Washington, Oct 22 : South Korean mobile giant Pantech has launched a new cell phone that allows a user to listen to calls with the aid of the jawbone.

Scottish experts now come up with palm-fitting supercomputers

Tracking your tots schooling through microchips in their uniforms

London, October 21 : Students at a secondary school in South Yorkshire are being tracked by microchips sewn in their uniforms as part of a trial.

Apple Ready To Sell Unlocked iPhones In France

AppleiPhones were occupying France for the holiday season, after French carrier Orange moved into a de

Brits own 418mn gadgets

London, October 19 : A new survey has revealed that people across Britain own a staggering 418-million gadgets, 16 per household.

Apple Plans To Open iPhones To Outsiders

San Francisco: Apple has disclosed plans to open iPhones to programs built by outsiders in a shift that could calm ailments that its lock on the devices’ mechanism is fanatic.
