
Microsoft Launches Trial Version Of IE 8

With the competitive spirit in mind for Firefox browser, Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday Microsoft Launches Trial Version Of IE 8unveiled the latest test version of its internet Explorer browser, which will ensure more privacy and security to the users.

Internet Explorer 8, which features the option to let users decide whether they want to save or delete the browsing history, “cookies” and other data includes a browsing tool called an accelerator. It enables the users to select and highlight text on Web site and further choose from various other functions such as different search engines, language translation or map displays. 

InPrivate IE 8 Confirmed By Microsoft

The internet users would get a lot of advantages while they will use the latest Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 browser, which is to be launched later this year. The IE 8 is thought to have many privacy features which will let the users have a control over their Web footprints.

Recently Microsoft discussed the features of the much awaited IE 8 on its official IE blog.

The latest IE 8 would include features like InPrivate Browsing, Delete Browsing History, InPrivate Blocking and InPrivate Subscription. All these features will help the users to maintain their privacy on the net.

Web Browser Now In Privacy Mode

Software giant Microsoft Corporation has decided to introduce a "privacy mode" for the next Web Browser Now In Privacy Mode release in the proposed version of web browser ‘Internet Explorer (IE) 8.0’. Its first version ‘beta1’ has already launched and next version ‘beta2’ is expected to come in the market at end of the year.

Microsoft planning IE privacy mode

Microsoft seems very much serious on privacy and security issues on the internet world. It has decided to introduce a "privacy mode" for the next release of its Internet Explorer (IE) web browser.

IE8 web browser will control the amount and data and enable customers to maintain their privacy. The senior vice president of Microsoft's search, portal and advertising platform group, Satya Nadella said that the browser will come with a special private mode. The two most probable trademarks are Cleartracks and Inprivate.

Microsoft calls on Seinfeld to boost Windows

Microsoft calls on Seinfeld to boost Windows San Francisco  - Microsoft is to pay comedian Jerry Seinfeld 10 million dollars to star in a 300-million-dollar advertising campaign for its Windows Vista operating system.

The campaign, which is one of the largest ever undertaken by the software giant, is aimed at establishing a cachet for the computer operating system and will feature Seinfeld along with Microsoft chairman Bill Gates.

Microsoft's Vista Push Probed By FTC

A complaint made against Microsoft by The Taiwanese Consumer Foundation, which claimed that the company effectively using its monopoly to force sales of Vista is being investigated by the Taiwanese Fair Trade Commission.

Around 56% of people purchasing new machines, with Vista on, would have XP on their new box, whereas 67% thought that Microsoft shall continue to offer XP.

In Taiwan, XP is still available on some new, lower-spec machines.

To interpret the competition law that a company had to sell a product for ever would be strange said an anti trust lawyer while speaking to news persons.
