InPrivate IE 8 Confirmed By Microsoft

The internet users would get a lot of advantages while they will use the latest Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 browser, which is to be launched later this year. The IE 8 is thought to have many privacy features which will let the users have a control over their Web footprints.

Recently Microsoft discussed the features of the much awaited IE 8 on its official IE blog.

The latest IE 8 would include features like InPrivate Browsing, Delete Browsing History, InPrivate Blocking and InPrivate Subscription. All these features will help the users to maintain their privacy on the net.

Andy Zeigler, Microsoft program manager reported, “The new beta refresh will also include support for safer Web 2.0-type mashups, DEP (data execution protection) turned on by default in Windows Vista SP 1, domain highlighting to help flag fighting attacks and changes to the way ActiveX controls are handled.”

Mozilla too had considered introducing such features for its Firefox 3 release, but due to some technical reasons, it had to give up on it. On the other hand, Apple Safari too includes the same features.

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