Stay Slim To Reduce Cancer Risk: A Study
Washington: According to a new study in Washington, excess body weight adds to the risks of cancers.
American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund involved nine independent teams of scientists from around the world, hundreds of peer reviews and 21 international experts, who analyzed more than 7,000 large-scale studies.
Diet and lack of exercise cause one third of cancers. Report stated that cancers can be prevented with staying slim and abstain from too much fast food, red meat and preserved meat such as ham and bacon and alcohol.
Study also concludes that changes in lifestyle could play almost big role like stopping smoking save us from disease and being fat is a big risk for cancer.
Excess body fat increases risk for cancer of esophagus, colon, pancreas, kidney and endometrium as well as post-menopausal breast cancer. People stay healthy within the weight range 18.5 to 25 on the body mass index chart for their whole life.
Sir Michael Marmot, professor of epidemiology and public health at University College London and chair of the panel which reviewed 7,000 studies on causes of cancer, said, “The most striking thing to emerge from the report is the importance of overweight and obesity.”
“We’re saying is that young adults should try not to put on weight throughout their adult life. They should stay as lean as possible,” said, Sir Michael.
Report says that everyone should have at least half an hour of exercise a day, but a moderate exercise should last for an hour a day.
It is better to avoid energy-dense foods, these include fast foods that were high in fat and sugar. Sugary drinks, even fruit juices are a particular problem, these should not be drunk to excess because of their sugar content. He added that tea and coffee pose no risk.
Cancer risk is reduced by eating mostly plant-based foods such as fruit and vegetables, but too much red meat increases the risk. The panel also recommended that no more than 500g a week.
Alcohol in small amounts reduces the heart disease risk, but it raises the risk of six and possibly seven different cancers including mouth, throat and breast cancers. The panel recommends women should not have more than one drink a day and men not more than two.
Sir Michael said, “We could be giving grandma’s wisdom. This is a very positive message. What we’re saying is that perhaps a third of cancers are diet-related. Cancer is largely preventable. It is a very positive message.”
The Cancer Research UK appreciated the report. Lesley Walker, director of cancer information, “Small changes can have a big effect on our cancer risk and everyone needs to take action, individuals as well as government.”
But, Karol Sikora, professor of cancer medicine and honorary consultant oncologist at Imperial College School of Medicine, said, “The educational message for the public should be that there are healthy diets and unhealthy diets but we should keep everything in perspective and not suggest rigid avoidance. Alcohol, red meat and bacon in moderation will do us no harm, and to suggest it will is wrong.”
Recommendations of report to help avoid cancer:
- Stay as slim as possible within normal range of body weight.
- Be physically active daily.
- Limit consumption of energy-dense foods.
- Eat mostly food plant based food.
- Limit alcoholic drinks.
- Breastfeed children.
- No more than 6mg of salt.
- No too much red meat
- Only one drink a day for woman and two for a man
- No smoking