Start Boozing: Stay free from Alzheimer's risk

Alzheimer-DiseaseIt is well known that alcohol is harmful to human body. But every thing in this world comes with a mixed blessing. According to a study, it has been found that occasionally drinking may reduce the probability of developing Alzheimer's disease, particularly for female and non-smokers.

Scientist at the University of Valencia, the Generalitat Valenciana, and the Institut Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica, Barcelona, in Spain have carried out an experiment evaluating personal and scientific background of issues affected with Alzheimer's disease with fit people, age and gender distribution in both the groups were same. Female persons included in the experiment were generally moderate alcohol drinker.

The probability of Alzheimer's disease was unchanged by any calculation of tobacco utilization, but a defensive result of light alcohol intake was observed, this result being clearer in nonsmoker females.

The consequences recommend a defensive effect of alcohol intake, typically in nonsmokers, and the need to consider relations between tobacco and alcohol ingestion, as well as relations with gender, when evaluating the effects of faging and/or boozing on the probability of Alzheimer's disease.