Stamp victim asks UEFA to not ban Rooney

Stamp victim asks UEFA to not ban RooneyLondon, Dec 13: Aalborg’s Kasper Risgard, who has been allegedly stamped by Wayne Rooney, has pleaded with UEFA not to ban the Manchester United strike.

The Aalborg midfield ace left Old Trafford with stud marks on his chest after his clash with Rooney in Wednesday night’s Champions League tie, The Sun reported.

Rooney is clearly seen stamping on the Dane as he lay on the floor. UEFA will study film of the incident on Monday before deciding on what action to take.

But Risgard said: “I heard UEFA is looking at this but I don’t think Rooney should be suspended. I haven’t seen the situation on TV yet as we had our Christmas party the day after the match but I can understand it looks bad on TV.”

“It’s what happens in intensive matches. Wayne came up to me immediately and apologised. I appreciated that. I have nothing against him,” he added.

United boss Alex Ferguson bizarrely blamed the media for UEFA’s decision to investigate.

“I’m not going to deal with Wayne Rooney, I’m not going to discuss it. You Press guys have created the most of it and you’re not getting anything from this club at all on Wayne Rooney. So that’s it finished. OK? Ferguson said.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m not caring. You play your part and don’t kid on. Look I think you play a part. You sit there trying to come the innocent party. You know fine well the part you play in it. You’re never off that phone, you’re never off that phone to UEFA. It’s finished,” he added. (ANI)
