
Taiwan parliament restores budget for cruise missile production

Taiwan parliament restores budget for cruise missile production

Romantic Taiwan man nearly burns down hotel with show of love

Taiwan, TaipeiTaipei - A romantic young man from Taiwan nearly burnt

Cup of coffee reunites 2 Taiwan sisters separated since childhood

Taipei - Two Taiwan sisters separated since childhood 40 years ago were recently reunited, virtually by a cup of coffee, a newspaper reported on Thursday. 

3 Chinese dissidents demand right to live in Taiwan

Taipei & ChinaTaipei - Three Chinese dissidents staged a hunger

Taiwan airlines to hike air fare again over rising fuel price

Taipei - Taiwan airlines will hike air fare on international routes next month due to rising fuel price, the Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) said on Tuesday.

Taiwan arrests 11 Vietnamese job seekers

Taiepi  - Taiwan's Coast Guard has arrested 11 Vietnamese who paid a smuggling ring to bring them to the island to find work, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

The Coast Guard nabbed the 11 Vietnamese on a fishing boat Monday off the coast of Miaoli, central Taiwan, the Taipei Times said.

The nine men and two women were crammed into a small, wooden boat that had been built to accommodate only three to four people.

The Vietnamese were taken to a police station in Tunghsiao for questioning. They admitted to paying 6,000 US dollars each for the trip from Vietnam via China to Taiwan.

The first went to China's Guangzhou Province and then spent two days sailing to Taiwan to find work.
