Sri Lanka

Low-key May Day celebrations in Sri Lanka

Colombo  - The May Day holiday in Sri Lanka was marked with low-key celebrations Thursday due to tight security, with two of the main political parties deciding to curtail their activities, party s

Iranian president inaugurates oil refinery project in Sri Lanka

Colombo - Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadinejadIranian Presi

Iranian President Ahmadinejad arrives in Sri Lanka

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Colombo - Iranian President Mahmou

LTTE aerial bomb military sites in Sri Lanka

Colombo, Apr. 27 : Tamil Tiger rebels using light aircraft bombed two military targets in northeastern Sri Lanka on Sunday and wounded at least one soldier, security sources said.

LTTE aircrafts drops three bombs on Lankan military positions

Sri LankaColombo, Apr 27: The banned Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam’s (LTTE) two light aircr

Tamil rebels bomb Sri Lankan government positions from air

Sri LankaColombo  Tamil rebels used two light aircraft to drop three bombs in a military-contr
