South Africa

Shark kills 16-year-old South African surfer

Shark kills 16-year-old South African surferJohannesburg - A 16-

A B de Villiers expresses pity for hapless Oz debutant McGain

Australia, South AfricaCape To

South Africa’s decision to ban Dalai Lama outrages Nobel peace laureates

South Africa’s decision to ban Dalai Lama outrages Nobel peace laureatesLondon, Mar 23: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama has been barred from entering South Africa to take part in a peace conference linked to the 2010 football World Cup, plunging the country into a diplomatic row.

The decision was met with outrage by fellow Nobel peace laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the former President F. W. de Klerk, who are organising the conference on March 27 with the Norwegian Nobel Peace Committee.

Report: Tutu outrage as Dalai Lama denied visa for SA peace meeting

Dalai LamaJohannesburg  - South Africa's popular archbishop emeritus Desmond Tutu has threatened to boycott a peace conference planned for next week in Johannesburg after the South African government reportedly denied the Dalai Lama a visa, a newspaper said Sunday.

South Africa's Sunday Independent quoted an angry Tutu as saying: "If His Holiness's visa is refused, then I won't take part in the upcoming 2010 World Cup-related peace conference."

The Nobel Peace Prize winner accused South Africa, which has close ties with China, of "shamelessly succumbing to Chinese pressure" and said he was "ashamed."

Pope celebrates open-air mass in Angola

Pope Benedict XVILuanda  - In what was billed as the high point of his three- day visit to the southern African country, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated an open-air mass Sunday in Angola's capital Luanda in front of hundreds of thousands of worshippers.

Benedict was joined by southern African bishops in saying the mass on the Cimangola Esplanade at the entry to the city.

The celebration was overshadowed by the deaths on Saturday of two youths in a stampede Saturday at a sports stadium in Luanda, where the pope addressed thousands of youth.

Growing number of South African drug mules held as new hub emerges

Growing number of South African drug mules held as new hub emerges Johannesburg - Around 30 South Africans are arrested every month in Brazil on drug smuggling charges - a huge increase in the past two years as South Africa emerges as a new hub in the global drug smuggling business.

Friends/Family of South African Detainees Abroad (FOSADA) sounded the alarm Friday over what it called a dramatic increase in the number of South Africans detained in Brazil on suspicion of being drug mules.
