
Tennis remains Serbia's fairy tale

Serbia Map & FlagBelgrade - The triumph of two Serbs at the Shanghai Masters over the weekend, two players on top of global rankings and another two with the throne in sight at the close of the tennis season drove Belgrade newspapers deeper into euphoria on Monday.

Jordanian passenger jet makes emergency landing in Belgrade

Jordanian passenger jet makes emergency landing in Belgrade Belgrade - A Royal Jordanian jet airliner safely made an emergency landing in Belgrade Saturday late afternoon, Serbian television RTS reported.

The Airbus A310-300 with 154 passengers and 14 crew flying from Amman to London requested to land after losing pressure in the cockpit, the Belgrade airport confirmed.

The passengers were due to be flown to London by another Royal airplane during the course of the evening, it said.

Serbia and IMF agree 516-million-dollar standby deal

Serbia and IMF agree 516-million-dollar standby dealBelgrade  - Serbia's ruling coalition overcame internal strife over where to cut spending and has agreed on a 15-month, 520- million dollar standby credit with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Finance MInister Diana Dragutinovic said Friday.

Within the deal, Serbia must cut spending to keep the 2009 budget deficit under 1.5 per cent of the gross domestic product and the annual inflation rate at 8 per cent.

A standby credit means that through March 2010 Serbia may draw the funds if its macroeconomic stability becomes jeopardized.

Serbian cabinet in quandary over spending

Serbia, KosovoBelgrade - The Serbian government postponed its regular meeting Thursday, amid tensions in the volatile ruling coalition over excessive spending plans made before the financial crisis exploded.

Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic's cabinet was expected Thursday to launch an arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but was apparently unable to agree on where to make spending cuts.

Serbian church asks ailing patriarch to stay at helm

New, appealing nationalist party opens shopBelgrade - Serbian bishops on Wednesday asked their ailing Patriarch Pavle to remain at the helm of the Serbian Orthodox Church, effectively turning down his plea to be relieved of his duties.

The Serbian bishops' conference, the Sabor, formally issued its request to Pavle after marathon sessions Tuesday and Wednesday.

Ban urges Kosovo to accept new UN mission

Ban urges Kosovo to accept new UN mission New York - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged the Kosovo government to show flexibility and agree to a revamped UN mission there following its secession from Serbia.

A six-point plan to reorganize the UN mission was accepted by Belgrade, but opposed by Pristina. Ban had decided to change the UN mission's mandate in Pristina and draw down its personnel after Pristina declared independence from Serbia.
