
French government to pay 10 million euros to nuclear test victims

French government to pay 10 million euros to nuclear test victims Paris - The French government will pay out at least 10 million euros (13.62 million dollars) to people with health problems as a result of French nuclear tests carried out in the Algerian Sahara and in Polynesia, Defence Minister Herve Morin was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

"About 150,000 civilian and military employees are theoretically concerned, as well as the people who lived in the Sahara and Polynesia at the time of the tests," Morin said in an interview published in the daily Le Figaro.

ESA’s GOCE satellite completes early orbit phase

ESA’s GOCE satellite completes early orbit phaseParis, March 21: The European Space Agency's GOCE satellite has completed its early orbit phase.

During the critical Launch and Early Orbit Phase, beginning with separation from its booster on March 17, GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) was checked out to confirm that all of its control systems are operating normally.

The end of the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP) came overnight after GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) was switched to Fine Pointing Mode.

Eight injured in shootings at French nursery school

Eight injured in shootings at French nursery school

French statistics office says economy worse than predictions

French statistics office says economy worse than predictions Paris - The French government's statistics office Insee said on Friday that France's economy would contract in 2009 at least twice as much as the government had predicted.

French GDP will decline by 1.5 per cent in the first quarter of this year, Insee said, followed by a slight improvement to a drop of 0.6 per cent in the second quarter, because of the assumed effect of the stimulus plans initiated by the French and other governments.

ROUNDUP: Huge crowds protest Sarkozy's economic policies

Huge crowds protest Sarkozy's economic policiesParis - Up to 3 million people took to the streets of cities throughout France on Thursday to protest the economic policies of President Nicolas Sarkozy, CFDT trade union head Francois Chereque said.

The largest-ever public outcry against Sarkozy since he came to office was accompanied by a general strike in which workers from both the private and public sectors walked off their jobs for the day.

Union officials said that more than 350,000 people demonstrated in Paris, while 300,000 protested in the southern port city of Marseille.

Animated 3-D film to kick off Cannes Film Festival

Animated 3-D film to kick off Cannes Film Festival Paris - The Disney Pixar animated 3-D film Up has been selected to open the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, organizers of the event announced on Thursday.

Up was directed by Pete Docter, who also made the film Monsters Inc. and developed the story and characters for Toy Story, Pixar's first full-length animated feature film.

Up concerns an old man who ties balloons to his house and fulfills a boyhood dream by flying to South America, but with a 9-year-old Boy Scout as a stowaway. It features the voices of Ed Asner, Christopher Plummer and John Ratzenberger.
