
Pak military refusing to deal with Taliban, Govt. just a bystander

Pak military refusing to deal with Taliban, Govt. just a bystanderIslamabad, Apr. 4 : Pakistan's armed forces appear to have thrown in the towel in so far as dealing with the Taliban in the country's North West Frontier Province (NWFP), and particularly in the Swat Valley is concerned, while the government seems to be in limbo and a bystander to what is going on there.

"I know that the federal and provincial governments are innocent victims and bystanders. The military has handed over the ownership and refuses to fight," claims human rights activist Samar Minallah.

Asif now accused as ‘home-wrecker’ by film actor

Asif now accused as ‘home-wrecker’ by film actorLahore, Apr. 4 : The list of controversies and scandals is getting longer by the day for banned Pakistan fast bowler Mohammad Asif, as he has now been accused of being a `home-wrecker' by a film actor Babrak Shah.

According to The Daily Times, Shah has accused Asif of destroying his marital life.

"I was happily married to Veena when Asif interrupted my married life by wooing Veena and he succeeded," Shah said.

Shah said he has already divorced Veena Malik, a film and TV actor herself, in the presence of Asif.

Suspected US drone attack kills 13 in Pakistan

Suspected US drone attack kills 13 in PakistanIslamabad  - A suspected US missile strike on a militant hideout early Saturday killed at least 13 people and injured several more in Pakistan's tribal region bordering Afghanistan, an intelligence official said.

Three missiles fired apparently from a pilotless US drone aircraft destroyed the home of a local Taliban leader Tariq Khan in Datta Khel area of North Waziristan.

Thirteen killed, six others injured in US drone strike in North Waziristan

Thirteen killed, six others injured in US drone strike in North WaziristanPeshawar, Apr. 4: At least thirteen persons were reportedly killed and six others injured in a suspected US drone strike in Datakhel area of Northern Waziristan on Saturday, The Dawn reported.

According to sources, missiles hit a house of a local tribesman in the region killing several people on the spot, including some foreign militants.

“We have information that 13 people were killed including some guests,” an intelligence agency official said.

Gilani condemns Taliban’s brutal act of flogging teenage girl

Gilani condemns Taliban’s brutal act of flogging teenage girlIslamabad, Apr. 3 : Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has strongly condemned the Taliban's barbaric act of publicly flogging a teenage girl.

Reacting to wide scale public anger over the issue, Gilani said every step would take to ensure that such inhuman act is not repeated again.

"We'll make sure such incidents do not happen again in future," Gilani told media persons.

Baitullah Mehsud now being seen as a threat to the US

Baitullah Mehsud now being seen as a threat to the USIslamabad, Apr. 3 : Pak-Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud is being seen as a growing threat to President Barack Obama's anti-terror strategies in Pakistan and beyond, experts say.

A day after Mehsud threatened to attack the White House, a US drone fired two missiles at the alleged hideout of one of his commanders, killing 14 people.
