
Orders against Musharraf’s nomination paper still valid: Justice Wajihuddin

Karachi, Nov 8 : Retired Supreme Court Justice Wajihuddin Ahmed has said that the interim order passed by a 11 judge bench of the apex court on his petition against President Pervez Musharraf’s nom

Pervez Musharraf in a catch-22 situation as PML divided on poll issue

Islamabad, Nov 8 : The ruling Pakistan Muslim League (PML) is apparently divided over the holding of general elections in the country, leaving President General Pervez Musharraf in a catch-22 situa

Pentagon keeping a ‘close eye’ on Pakistan’s N-arsenal

Washington, Nov 8 : A top Pentagon official has said that the fate of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal was a "primary concern" after President Pervez Musharraf imposed a state of emergency in the country

US backs Benazir Bhutto’s call for mass protests against emergency rule

Former Prime Minister Benazir BhuttoWashington, Nov 8 : The US State Department has backed former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s call for mass protests against the emergency rule, saying that people should have the right to express themselves.

Commenting on Bhutto’s call for street protests, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said: "There should be a right for people to express themselves."

McCormack rejected concerns that Bhutto’s call would spark further violence.

US has no option except partnership with Pakistan: John Negroponte

US Deputy Secretary of State John NegroponteWashington, Nov

Pakistan lawmakers refuse to become Supreme Court judges

Lahore, Nov 8 : Senator Khalid Ranjha, Federal Law Minister Zahid Hamid and former Attorney General Makhdoom Ali Khan have refused to become Supreme Court (SC) judges after the government asked the
