
Rotterdam's Muslim mayor sworn in

Ahmed AboutalebAmsterdam - Moroccan-Dutch politician Ahmed Aboutaleb was sworn in on Monday as mayor of Rotterdam, the second largest city of the Netherlands.

The 47-year-old Labour politician is the first mayor of a Dutch city to be born and raised outside the Netherlands. He is also the first Muslim to become a mayor in the Netherlands.

Some 45 per cent of Rotterdam's half a million citizens were born outside the Netherlands or have foreign-born parents.

The city suffers from a broad range of socio-economic problems. Crime involving the migrant community is an ongoing issue that causes tension with Dutch-born citizens.

Dutch authorities hand over internet-bought baby to Belgium

Amsterdam  - A Belgian baby bought over the internet by a young Dutch couple in July has been handed over to Belgian authorities, the Dutch child protection service said Wednesday.

On November 27, a Dutch family court ruled that baby Jayden, as the now five-month-old child is known in the media, should be placed in foster care under Dutch state custody.

The court said the sale violated international adoption laws.

Baby Jayden was transferred from the Dutch couple to foster care in late November under the temporary custody ruling.

The Dutch child protection service and the Justice Ministry said in a joint statement that temporary custody would not be renewed because the child has a better future in his native Belgium.

Dutch confirm death of soldier in Afghanistan

Dutch confirm death of soldier in Afghanistan Amsterdam  - Dutch Chief of Staff Peter van Uhm on Friday confirmed the death of a Dutch soldier in Afghanistan earlier on Friday.

Van Uhm said 24-year-old Sergeant Mark Weijdt probably stepped on a roadside bomb during a confrontation with Taliban fighters.

Another soldier sustained mild injuries.

The soldier was the 18th Dutch soldier to die in Afghanistan since the start of the Dutch mission.

A total of 1,200 Dutch troops have been stationed in Afghanistan as part of the International Security and Assistance Force (ISAF).

Dutch would consider new US request ISAF-contribution Afghanistan

Amsterdam - Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende says he would consider a possible US request for a new Dutch contribution to the International Security and Assistance Forces (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

Speaking in a late night Dutch television show on Thursday, Balkenende said US president-elect Barack Obama's advisors have given indications the US might ask the Dutch to maintain their military presence in Afghanistan after the current Dutch mission ends in August 2010.

Obama has already indicated on several occasions he will send more US troops to Afghanistan.

It is widely expected the US is going to request the European Union countries to strengthen their participation in ISAF as well.

Shell most women-friendly employer, but government best

Amsterdam - Women who are career-minded should only seek
employment with Royal Dutch Shell, electronics manufacturer Philips or
telecommunications company KPN - but the best treatment comes from the
Dutch government, according to a survey published Thursday.

A survey conducted by marketing research institute TNS NIPO among
1,096 Dutch managers of 150 companies showed the three multinationals
were the most women-friendly companies in the Dutch business sector.

The survey, published on Thursday in Management Team magazine, also
said civil-servant positions with national or local authorities were
considered most women-friendly.

Civil-servant jobs received 4,006 points from the managers

EU parliament refuses to allow screening of anti-Islam film

FitnaAmsterdam - The European parliament on Wednesday refused to allow the screening of an anti-Isla
