Shell most women-friendly employer, but government best

Amsterdam - Women who are career-minded should only seek
employment with Royal Dutch Shell, electronics manufacturer Philips or
telecommunications company KPN - but the best treatment comes from the
Dutch government, according to a survey published Thursday.

A survey conducted by marketing research institute TNS NIPO among
1,096 Dutch managers of 150 companies showed the three multinationals
were the most women-friendly companies in the Dutch business sector.

The survey, published on Thursday in Management Team magazine, also
said civil-servant positions with national or local authorities were
considered most women-friendly.

Civil-servant jobs received 4,006 points from the managers
interviewed, followed by 810 points for the health care industry.
Multinationals received 107 points.

Among the business employers, Shell received the most votes on
average. Female managers ranked Dutch Rabobank first, followed by Shell
and Philips.

Among male managers, Philips ranked first, followed by Shell and
KPN. Postal service company Sandd and internet store Wehkamp were
considered the least women-friendly.

TNS NIPO looked at a variety of factors, such as a company's labour
conditions, the percentage of female managers, and the career
opportunities offered to women.

Salary differences between female and male employees were lowest in
education and the government - 28 and 29 per cent respectively (dpa)
