
Prime suspect in Litvinenko murder to run for Moscow mayor

Prime suspect in Litvinenko murder to run for Moscow mayor Moscow - The principal suspect in the 2006 murder of Alexander Litvinenko, is likely to run for mayor of Sochi, the host city of 2014 Winter Olympics, an ultra-nationalist party said Friday.

Lugovoi, who is wanted in Britain for Litvinenko's poisoning by radiation in London, is the party's "leading candidate" to the post, senior party member Igor Lebedev told news agency Ria-Novosti.

The party still had two weeks to register their candidate for the April 26 municipal elections.

Anti-Kremlin activist, journalists arrested in "day of dissent"

Anti-Kremlin activist, journalists arrested in "day of dissent" Moscow  - Several opposition activist and three reporters were arrested during anti-Kremlin demonstrations in Moscow Thursday, radio Ekho Moskvye reported.

Organizers announced their gathering at the central Tverskaya metro station, but the main protest were held on a stretch of Moscow's ring road as activists tried to avoid police crackdowns on the unsanctioned demonstrations.

Russia's Ukrainian-performed Eurovision entry polarizes fans

Russia's Ukrainian-performed Eurovision entry polarizes fans Moscow - Russia's Eurovision entry has ignited criticism among home fans of the song contest, adding to sparks of controversy that have built around the competition to be hosted by Moscow this year.

Bloggers and newspapers Tuesday slammed Russia's choice as un- Russian.

A Ukrainian singer, Anastasia Prikhodko, won over the Russian jury and television voters on the weekend with a love song "Mamo" which was performed partly in her native tongue.

Medvedev hails "entirely positive" signals from Washington

Medvedev hails "entirely positive" signals from Washington Moscow - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday hailed as "entirely positive" his impression of US President Barak Obama ahead of the two leaders' meeting on the sidelines of the upcoming G20 summit in London on April 1-2.

"The signals we are receiving, and that I am personally receiving, from the US president are entirely positive," Medvedev was quoted by news agency Interfax as saying in a meeting with foreign experts from a commission on bilateral relations.

Putin warns Ukraine on gas payments, threatens cut-off

Putin warns Ukraine on gas payments, threatens cut-off Moscow - In the latest frictions between Moscow and Kiev over gas deliveries, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Thursday warned Ukraine to be punctual with its payments or face another possible cuto-off.

According to the Interfax agency, Putin said that if Ukraine did not make its payments for February by this Saturday, there would be a cut-off.

This in turn could have consequences for consumers in Europe, the Russian government leader warned.

Six killed in bomb blast in Ingushetia

Moscow - At least six persons, including one policeman, were killed in a bomb blast in the Caucasus republic of Ingushetia on Thursday, the Interfax agency reported.
