
Prachanda''s remark riles Constituent Assembly members

Kathmandu, Dec 15: Nepal Prime Minister Prachanda''s recent remarks on violence and threat to quit the government drew flak in the Parliament on Sunday.

Speaking at the special hour, Bhim Rawal, a Constituent Assembly (CA) member from the CPN-UML, claimed that the Prime Minister''s outbursts had the potential to derail the peace process and turn the country into a failed state.

Rawal urged Prachanda to enlighten the Constituent Assembly as to who was not cooperating with the Maoist-led government.

Increasing industrial insecurity cast blight on economic situation of Nepal

Kathmandu, Dec 13: Top entrepreneurs of Nepal have lamented that increasing industrial insecurity and labour disputes have cast blight on the entire economic situation of the country.

Speaking at a program organised by National Business Initiative (NBI) here on Friday, the entrepreneurs said that waywardness of trade unions and the deteriorating business climate in the country have put a damper to the government''s proposition of economic revolution.

Nepalnews quoted president of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI) Kush Kumar Joshi as saying that the business climate is at its lowest ebb in the country.

Delay in forming committees likely to affect statute drafting

Kathmandu, Dec 13: The schedule prepared to draft the new constitution is likely to be affected due to the delay in the formation of sub committees under the Constituent Assembly (CA) and legislative parliament.

According to the calendar of events passed by the Constituent Assembly, 14 different committees including, the Constitutional Committee (CC), 10 thematic committees and three procedures committees should be formed and their heads should be elected by December 30.

However, some of the major political parties have not submitted their representatives for the committee at the Constituent Assembly secretariat until Friday.

MK Nepal says Youth Force may become a problem for the party

Nepal, KathmanduKathmandu, Dec12 : Former UML General Secretary Madhav Kumar Nepal today expressed fears of the possibility of his party''s youth wing- Youth Force (YF) of becoming a matter of problem for the party in the future.

Speaking at a press meet here, he said Youth Force (YF) may become a problem for the party, much like Young Communist League (YCL) has been for the Maoist leadership at present.

Nepali Congress unhappy with UNMIN role

Nepali Congress unhappy with UNMIN roleKathmandu, Dec12 : Nepali Congress today expressed dissatisfaction over the role played by United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN).

During a meeting with UNMIN chief Ian Martin, here, Nepali Congress leaders complained that monitoring of the Maoist army camps has not been effective and that UNMIN failed to check the violent activities involving the members of the People''s Liberation Army (PLA).

"The PLA men went out of their camps and engaged in violent activities a number of times," they added.

Nepal government starts formal talks with rebel groups

Kathmandu - The Nepalese government has begun formal negotiations with armed rebel groups in southern and eastern Nepal, a government minister said Friday.
