
Six people killed in attack outside US consulate in Istanbul

Istanbul, July 9 : Three Turkish policemen and three gunmen were killed outside US consulate in Istanbul today, when three assailants opened fire at the police checkpoint after jumping from a white

8,500 yr old Anatolian wheat confirmed to be oldest in the world

Istanbul, June 21 : A series of DNA analyses conducted on ancient wheat samples dating back to 8,500 years, have led scientists to conclude that the oldest known wheat was grown in Catalhoyuk, a Ne

High food prices make oil sheikhs turn to farming

Istanbul  - You cannot eat petrodollars, which is an inconvenient truth for people in the oil-rich Gulf Arab monarchies these days.

Six Turkish soldiers killed in attack by PKK

Istanbul - Six Turkish soldiers were killed in a clash with rebels of the banned underground organization The Kurdish Workers Party (PKK), CNN-Turk reported Saturday.

Syrian-Israeli contacts worry Iran, Hezbollah

Istanbul - "Will there be another war this summer?" is a question frequently heard in Arab capitals these days.

Dozens treated after May Day clashes in Istanbul

TurkeyAnkara  -  Riot police clashed with demonstrators attempting to take part in May Day marches in Ista
