Princes Willis and Harry raise just £1,500 each on African charity trip

London, Nov 9 : Princes William and Harry have managed to raise just 1,500 pounds each for their much- publicised motorbike charity ride across Africa.

However, 83 other people on the same ride raised an average of 3,500 pounds each.

A representative for William and Harry confirmed that the charity donation was just 1,500 pounds each, but insisted the princes had raised the profile of the charity ride.

“The princes both donated the minimum required to take part but their presence on the ride, as with their support of other charities, raised its profile and we expect more riders to be taking part next year, so it raises more money indirectly,” the Mirror quoted the spokesman, as saying.

The two young Royals, both multi-millionaires in their own right, paid 5,000 pounds – which includes a 1,500 pounds charity donation and 3,500 pounds for hire of their bikes, accommodation, luggage transfers, medical support and registration.

This means that from each prince, the three charities benefiting from the ride banked just 500 pounds apiece.

Meanwhile, the taxpayer had to foot the bill of around 30,000 pounds, plus salaries, for six members of the Royal Protection Squad to guard the princes round the clock on the ride.

“It’s astonishing they couldn’t have tapped up their family for a bit more sponsorship – especially considering who that family are,” the Mirror quoted Mark Wallace, of the Taxpayers’ Alliance, as saying.

“It’s great doing things like this for charity, but you’ve got to look at the actual costs and benefits of any project.

“If the princes had given just half the security budget to charity, the taxpayer and the charities would have been much better off,” he added. (ANI)
