President Pratibhatai Patil to meet FFI general secretary Sushama Shiromanee

Pratibhatai PatilThe First lady President of India Hon. Pratibhatai Patil has agreed to meet Sushama Shiromanee Hon General secretary of the FFI (Film Federation of India, an apex body of the film industry of India), to open new vistas for the betterment of the film fraternity.

The move initiated by Sushama Shirmonee with an appointment for March 6th will be seeing the two ladies shaking hands for the first time and discuss various issues of the film industry. Almost 22 delegates from the apex body of the FFI from all over India have been cordially invited by the President to initiate various matters regarding the film industry. President Jitendra Jain FFI, General Secreatary Suparn Sen and Vice President Ravi Kotarakar will be amongst them.

"I am honored that the President has agreed to meet the apex body of FFI and discuss various issues relating to the film industry. We will try and bring about a new change" says an elated Sushama Shiromanee.

This move will be a notable moment for the apex body (FFI) which will try to bring about an amalgamation between the Central Government and State Government and also sort out matters regarding the film industry. As a token of appreciation the FFI will be presenting a memento with the President's picture. Sampurn Media